Jesus is more than just a historical figure. He is a real person, and He is still alive today. He wants to change your life! Twin Ports Baptist Church desires to share the good news of Jesus Christ. No matter who you are, Jesus has said, “Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”
Jesus - Son of the Living God
Daily In The Word
Growth in the Christian life requires regular interaction with God’s Word. To encourage this, the members of TPBC will be offered a daily devotion focused in Proverbs. Each day we have a passage of Scripture to read and a devotion from that passage. Some days the devotions are thought provoking, some relate to today’s issues, but all will help you personalize God’s Word.
Browse Ministries
Twin Ports’ ministries offer opportunities for individuals to build strong relationships and receive Biblical help in every phase of life. From children to adults, Twin Ports’ ministries focus on cultivating a love for God and a heart for serving people in every individual.
If you are in need of peace, this brief article will give you the help you need to find Bible answers that work.
2 Corinthians 10:4 says “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” In the…
The other individual who Christ encountered in the year of obscurity is known as the woman at the well. This conversation is recorded in John 4.…
Prayer is tied to ministry. If we want to minister to other Christians, we need to have a close walk with God and prayer is one…
Useful Information & Links
Twin Ports Baptist Church
208 52nd Avenue East, Superior, WI
Church Goal:
Loving God, Loving People
Hope, for the Hopeless:
2025 Preacher's Conference is Scheduled
January 3th & 4th, 2025
Preacher's Conference
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- hours
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Conference Music
What is the Lake Superior Conference on Preaching?